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ubel got tired of being a mage 😭

hi, there's this glitch after bolonia's quest where milo is clipped under the map (?), similar to the issue of a user here in the comments after you restart. i tried refreshing the browser and it just kept showing. any tips?

Thanks for the report! Yep, that bug is already solved in the next version, which will come out in a few days. :)


Awesome game! would be great to also free roam as Erin to do other stuff.


Thank you very much! Yep, we feel the same way! It's definitely something we will address at some point. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a suggestion for you, add Chinese and maps. Once it is put on the shelves, it will be sold out immediately, just keep updating it.


Thank you a lot! Unfortunately, translating an entire game is a hard and expensive process. But if we get successful enough, we will definitely do it. :)

Hi I was wondering about the progress on the update and if there is any date? Also will there be any more scenes from Nurse Joybel anytime soon?

The next update is just around the corner, and yes. It will have more Joybel ; )


Erin is too sweet for that world and must be protected. Can´t seem to run the downloaded version of this game though, something about not finding set entry point?

Never seen that error before, do you have the exact text displayed in the error?

(2 edits) (+2)

game has been in steady development and has been decent. They've responded to players feedback (a long time ago the combat was a bit stiff, they've improved it massively). fun to play, looking forward to seeing where the game goes! (the only downside is its a nsfw game that requires 2 hands to play).

Thank you very much! :)


Will this game be on steam i would love to buy it there

Haha, thank you! We'd love to do that. Maybe when the game is more advanced. :)


Dude wth is ubel doing heree

We love putting refs :D


Duuude, this stuff's really good! Haven't found any bugs so far. The game could use manual save system though. And it definately could use a backlog, please add it for certain someone who keeps accidentally skipping some dialog lines☺️


Thank you very much! We will note that down :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Found a bug during Bolonia's second quest: when Milo returns to the dorms after the h-scene, if you accidentally restart the game and return to the save file, Milo will just clip out of bounds under the dorm, effectively soft locking you.

Edit 1: I tried to export, delete, then import the save file in but nothing happened, I also tried to find a way to change my pos in the code but it didn't work. so I guess I'll just skip everything up to the new content


Here's a photo. (Also for some reason he clips behind the background, idk why)


The camera is constrained to the room, Milo is falling into the void 😣

(1 edit)

That is fixed in the next version so it should not happen anymore in the future. Glad you found a way to keep going !☺️. Editing the save file should work if you place Milo in a low x and y position ex x: 7 y:2


Update when!! Its been 41 days


In another 41 days, more or less ;D


Damn.... i expected more good from you. Honestly, i really liked the game but your reply was very disappointing.


You're not entitled to anything, let them work on their game to give quality over speed and stop being rude


Did i ask you?


hey the game's not working for starts at the changelog but when i press got it nothing happens,can you please tell me what i'm doing wrong.

What platform are you playing on? If playing on the website does it work for you in incognito mode?

i am playing on an Oculus quest two, and it doesn't work in incognito.

We are not currently supporting that device, sorry 😞

(1 edit)

How do I pinpoint the phrases during the interogation wint gray? I cant manage to do that

You need to press L when a green text shows up (the key indicator is at the lower of the screen)

Hello, I tried exporting my saved data from browser, I want to load it on windows, how do I do that?


Hey, to do that you need to place the save file (slot_x.sav) inside the folder in the path C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Babus Games\Angel Under\saves .

Thank you so much!!!


The girls are hot n all but them being naked in front of everyone is a real turn ON ngl


I was gonna call you a cuck but then I saw your profile that you actually are one lol



I'm glad you have humour


The girls are hot n all but them being naked in front of everyone is a real turn off ngl


only ran into one issue of the window for the interrogation quest getting cut off. Everything else was really good work.

Thanks a lot! We may rework that indication at some point, seems to be confusing enough...


i need more. i need the plot.

Thank you :)


Yo, The game is amazing. Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much! 

Can you make for android please

(1 edit) (+3)


I've tried the game a few days ago and I genuinely adore the story so far (especially Erin, she deserves the world).

If its okay, I could help with setting up a wiki for this for quick and helping guides or secrets! Idk if it is okay to do so, but I find the game too intriguing not to ask...

Thank you a lot! Of course, we'd love that! :D


When will the next update come?

We'll try to deliver it quick! It's already in our Patreon if you can't wait. :D

Okay, Thanks for replying!

the auto saving doesn't work

Hey, sorry to hear you are having issues, Where are you experiencing the issue?

on pc browser

There could be many reasons for this,  ranging from browser incompatibility to the game not being allowed to save into the browser storage. My recommendation would be to try another browser or download de windows version if you can.

ok 👍 

(6 edits) (+2)

The combat is a lot smoother now, mostly due to the Wrench's animation!

Here's my current combat knowledge:

The gun has 10 energy, using 2 energy for each shot; that's 5 shots, 

1 wrench hit gives 1 gun energy; for 2-hits,  gain 1-shot.

The third hit of the wrench generates 2 energy instead of 1!

The Trainee gun only consumes ammo when a shot fired deals damage.

The wrench has 3 animations, doing increasing damage:

6-damage, 7-damage, 9-damage.

1-Energy, 1-Energy, 2-Energy.

I'll call this one cycle.

Attacking with the wrench moves Erin forward.

Note: As long as she's on ground, she won't go off an edge. 

If she jumps, then attacks, then she can fall off an edge via attacking movements. 


Left Click: Phasma Gun: 5 ammo, 7 damage, Short-Medium Range. 

Right click: Wrench: 6-7-9 damage, Melee. Regenerates 1 ammo/hit.

W: Jump, Can Double Jump

Space: Jump, Can Double Jump 

S: Crouch

S+Space: Fall down a platform

(In Midair)+S+Space: Superfall: Falls straight down at high speed, bypassing all platforms. No Damage Immunity.

Shift: Dash horizontally in current direction. While dashing, Erin has damage immunity.

Notes: Superfall can make Erin fall into spikes. It cannot be canceled. 


Health: 4 hits; Maximum 24 HP

Animation: Once aggroed, eyes glow red and teeth clatter, floating towards target.

Attack Speed: Collision; ~1second between damage ticks. Assume that it's less.

Damage: 3 damage

Range: Collision

Aim: Lock-on to target; Continues to chase Target even when it escapes vision. 

Can Be Knocked-Back?: Yes

Movement Speed: Medium

Special: Can float through walls.

Notes: Using the Wrench is good for swarms of these. When they're alone, shooting it once or twice weakens it so that it dies faster and has less time to reach Erin and deal collision damage. Since their only method of attack is collision, backing up or dashing away once helps to defeat them. Though, usually, the Wrench's knockback is enough to keep them away and kill them.

Skull sticks:

Health: 3 hits; Maximum 18 HP

Animation: ~1second charge up, the head will vibrate before spitting out a projectile skull from the mouth area. 

Attack Speed: ~1 skull/2 seconds

Damage: 2 damage

Range: Medium; Slightly longer than trainee Phasma gun, by about 1 attack.

Aim: Target's Current Location

Movement Speed: N/A

Can Be Knocked-Back?: Yes

Notes: They have a pretty long charge up, so they can be killed before they get a shot off. Since they aim at Erin's current location, Erin can just jump over them after they shoot or jump before they shoot to make them aim at the ceiling. Alternatively, dash through the attack or go out of range, because these projectiles have a short range limit. Also, they feel like the biggest variable since sometimes it seems they attack faster or a lot slower, though maybe that's because it's hard to tell if it got aggroed. For example, the Bipedal Bear is a huge thing that instantly turns around and moves towards Erin when aggroed, and has a big telegraphed attack animation, so it's easy to tell, and the Ghost's huge eyes light up and its mouth starts biting as it chases Erin, so again, it's easy to tell when it's aggroed... While the Skull just kinda looks at Erin. 

Stationary turrets:

Health: 2 hits; Maximum 12 HP

Animation: Instant; small squish when firing. Yellow bullet.

Attack Speed: ~1 bullet/3 seconds

Damage: 3 damage

Range: Infinite?

Aim: Stationary; No Rotation; Vertical or Horizontal. 

Can Be Knocked-Back?: No

Movement Speed: N/A

Special: Is always firing.

Notes: Using the gun is worth it when the turrets are midair or when there are other enemies. Otherwise, they can be taken out afterwards to regenerate Energy; they're sitting ducks. Attack right after they shoot. Since they have low hp and static aim, they can easily be killed with a wrench in one double jump: Jump, Attack, Double Jump, Attack. When doing this, beware Erin's attack animation moving her forward into fire of the turret. 

Also, the bullet starts within the turret, so standing inside of a horizontal turret is not safe, nor is crouching inside a upwards-facing vertical turret. 

Bipedal Bears:

Health: 9-10 hits: Maximum 60 HP

Animation: Arm Swipe

Attack Speed: ~1.5 seconds/1 Swipe

Damage: 6 damage 

Range: Melee, ~Erin Cycle #3 (9-damage attack)

Aim: Begins to attack as soon as target enters Arm Swipe range. 

Movement Speed: Slow

Can Be Knocked-Back?: No

Notes: Does not move while attacking. When alone, very easy to take out with a wrench, by attacking and dashing to the other side of the Bipedal Bear, since their attack animation is much longer than Erin's. It's possible to get 5 attacks in before they finish their attack and turn around. For newbies, attack it once or twice before backing off. 

General Notes: 

Aggro ranges are pretty short. The Bipedal Bear especially will instantly give up and forget about Erin if she walks a bit out of range.

So far, every enemy only has one attack. 

Speaking of, only the Ghost and the Abyss Wasps at the start have collision damage, or have attacks with range so short that they might as well be collision damage. The Bipedal Bear, Skull Stick, and Stationary Turret all can be walked through. 

I had 'Economy' or 'Potential Energy' as a stat listed, but I removed it since there's too many variables, even right now, particularly because the Wrench's third hit generates 2 energy. 

Since the Wrench also does varying damage based on the animation, the Bipedal Bear can generate more or less Energy depending on the attacks used, though this effect is rather minimal. 

Aspirant's Run:

Each run goes through 3 rooms, selected out of a set of rooms. I think the rooms are sorted in groups of difficulty, so that one run isn't just three short rooms, each with 2 enemies, and thus the run only has 6 enemies. 

Rooms Score: This always comes out as 16 if Erin finishes the run.

Flawless Bonus: This comes out as 8 if Erin takes no damage... Though I'm not sure about this one; there may be more interpretations of 'Flawless'. 

Depth Bonus: This always comes out as 7 if Erin finishes the run. 

Since it's the 'Pit', once we get more runs or real demon runs, this score probably signifies the depth down into the Pit Erin went. In the training sims, it probably means the depth of the Pit that the sims are replicating, such as the enemies. 

Audience Score: It's not explicit, but it seems fighting enemies increases the score and stalling out time lets the score trickle out. I feel like using the gun increase the score more than using the wrench, but again, I'm not sure.

Thus, to get a high score;

-Take no damage

-Kill enemies fast

-Complete rooms fast

-Use the gun (?) This will help to kill things faster too.

The Max Angel Points is currently 400 points, which is kinda sad, though. I would totally farm the training up to number 1 on the board. 

...Come to think of it, why isn't everyone just constantly doing the training runs to earn points? 

Hm. Mysteries of plot vs. game. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Also, Milo still gotta eat some pierogies 🥟

Woah!! That's the most comprehensive Angel Under guide I've seen so far!


I do really enjoy easter eggs to Lisa: the painful

Glad you spotted them: :)


I just reloaded the game once and now it won't wor

(1 edit)

It seems its something related to the browser cache, I would try clearing it or trying another browser. There is always the option of downloading it too :)


Ima be honest. I only downloaded it for the more raunchy stuff, but as the story went on, Im more hooked on the story then anything else, the smut is like the cherry on top of a sweet cake! only 2 hours in so far and i cant wait to play more!

Thank you very much! :)


bro how to dash?


Press shift on keyboard!


do you have a discord server btw?


Nope, but someday :)


honestly an amazing game, one of the best quality i've seen for a game like this, please add more to the storyline, i'd love to have like an option to be able to do different difficulties of trainings


Thank you very much! :)







Hope you enjoy! :D

Unity 6 player
Win 10+

Hi it's been awhile since I played this, so I wanted to ask is there a hotkey to see the history/chatlog? Cause sometimes I accidentally fat finger pressing Space twice.


Nope, but it's in our to-do list! :)

Will this game ever be available for Mac?

Probably not :(

My save is softlocked. I seemingly spawn under the floor when I load in. Any console to noclip out of it or something ?


Sorry for the late reply, the easy way would be to try playing it again using an skip, the hard way would be to export the save file (saved in plain text for now), editing it and then uploading again. (cannot provide more info as this may change in the future). We may add a button to teleport to a safe position in the future if it we see this becomes a common issue.

The game is great!!! But how often do updates come out?

next update????


Just now :)


Release on steam

We might do! :)

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